Hewitt Foundation | Children’s Hospital Donations

7 cars were fully loaded with stuffed animal donations and delivered to Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital. Many families from the community donated their time and efforts to assist with this project. The donations were prayed as a group before we left the hospital. May those that receive these items be blessed tremendously and feel the loving arms of Jesus wrapped around them.

  • February 1, 2019 - 4:04 am

    Holly Murrah - I just saw on my friend’s Facebook page update about her son, Hampton, that the big fog pillow just brightened his day. I just wanted to say how special it is to know that he received one of your stuffed animals. I’ve prayed countless times for your sweet family over the years. Seeing such love continuously pour out of you guys just fills my heart. Great job sharing your love and faith and Jesus with the children at the hospital. I know many children and their families felt encouraged and uplifted.ReplyCancel

  • February 14, 2019 - 4:04 am

    Makenzie Radcliff - My daughter who is only 2 has had ear tube surgery, but this past week we embarked on our first of many surgeries on her chest. What was supposed the be a simple cyst removal has turned to a hard road. We have infection and it has ruptured she will have many surgeries to removed the pieces and the new cyst that will grow from the rupture. God has truly had to fight for her as she’s has had a hard two years. But as she went in for her first surgery last week she was given this doll that just made her day! She held on to that doll through pain and heartache! Through coming out of neing our to sleep and freaking out and it just made her feel better. And now as we load up our medical bag for her chest that doll goes everywhere with us! I am truly thankful for this foundation that is there praying for all the kids who have to go through surgery which is scary for anyone especially parents and children! Thank you for maligning my daughter feel better and get through stage 1 a little easier!!!ReplyCancel