Meals for the Derrick Family

Recently the Hewitt Foundation partnered with Fusco’s Market, a local restaurant in Columbia, SC, to help assist with improving the lives of families in need in our area. Fusco’s Market has graciously agreed to provide meals to the Hewitt Foundation so we can in turn put God’s love into action and provide care to families going through challenging situations. Nothing beats having a delicious meal to eat with your family and we are honored to have formed this partnership with Fusco’s Market.

Landon Derrick is a 6 year old boy who was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2015 & suffered nerve damage due to the removal. The Hewitt Foundation was able to spend some quality time at the Derrick’s home visiting with Landon. A few devotionals were also given for Landon’s parents to encourage and comfort them on this new chapter in their life.

Please visit Landon’s caringbridge site or Facebook page to keep up with their journey. Please remember this family in your prayers.

*Pictured: Landon, Alana (mom), Keelan (brother), and Neva Jean (sister). (Matt (dad) not pictured)*